What do invasive carp look like? Each of the 3 species has unique characteristics. A brief description follows:
Photo by: Matthew R. Thomas
Bighead Carp
- Bighead carp have a scaleless head; body scales are very small.
- Have irregular black-gray blotches on the side of its body.
- Have low-set eyes and a large upturned mouth.
- Adults may be more than 60lbs in weight and 4ft. in length.
Photo by: Matthew R. Thomas
Silver Carp
- Silver Carp have a scaleless head; body scales are very small.
- Have low-set eyes and a large upturned mouth.
- Adults may be more than 60lbs in weight and 4ft. in length.
- silver carp may jump out of the water when disturbed by boat motors.
Photo by: Matthew R. Thomas
Black Carp
- Black carp have large scales, with a slender grey-brown body
- Narrow head and pointed snout that slightly overhands the mouth
Looks similar to grass carp - they differ from grass carp by having
a darker body and fin color